Select the therapy service that best fits your needs on our check-out page, select the date/time for your session, and then check out through our website shopping cart. We will confirm your session with an initial email and followed by SMS text as we get closer to your session.
Our first session together will include 15-20 minutes to best understand your focus and desired outcome.
If you choose, we offer an upfront (free) 15-minute pre-session consultation to determine if this is a good fit for you. Please send an email with your name, phone number, city/state, and a brief description of what you’d like to better understand to: We will reach out to you via phone or text to schedule your pre-session phone call.
Most sessions are currently being offered remotely. We do offer the option of in-person sessions if you live in the local area. Please send an email to: before booking an in-person session to ensure that this is possible.