The QUEX ED® scans your body, similar to a virus scan on a computer, looking for everything from deficiencies, weaknesses, viruses, allergies, abnormalities and food sensitivities. It reports on the biologic reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities.
The information provided by the QUEX ED® is fundamentally different from X-rays, blood tests, etc., as it tells us about the energetic state of one’s body and the direction in which the body is focusing its energy. During testing, the device resonates with thousands of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins and allergens for one/one-hundredth of a second each, and records the degree to which the body reacts.
Many biofeedback devices are only one-way communications and do not alter the course of therapy with client progress. Also many devices don’t give therapies, just remedies which have to be individually purchased.
The QUEX ED® is a highly sophisticated program that measures and feeds resonance information between the device and the client. The ionic exchanges of reaction that take place in your body and brain (at 1/100 of a second) are measured as energetic components in your body. With a feedback loop, the device measures your resonance pulse and sends back an alternate pulse to which your body responds. In turn, your body alters its own reactance pulse, thus creating a change.
For example, from pain to no pain, compulsive to anxiety-free, imbalance to balance. Unlike the other devices on the market the ‘auto focus’ function, the QUEX ED® can adjust biofeedback therapies to ensure and constantly adjust the correct settings during therapy.
This function eliminates the need for expert knowledge about rife, bio-com and electro-acupuncture.
The QUEX ED® quantum system is successfully used as both in-person therapy with harnesses on your head, wrists and/or ankles or used remotely from the comfort of your own home.